Wrecker Clone Star Wars Cursor

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Wrecker Clone Star Wars Cursor

Wrecker was a clone commando who served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars as part of Clone Force 99. Due to genetic mutations, Wrecker was much larger and stronger than the average clone trooper. He loved blowing things up, and served as the muscle and demolitions expert for his squad, which was nicknamed the “Bad Batch”. Wrecker lived through many dangerous missions during the Clone Wars, including the Battle of Anaxes in the last year of the war. He and his squad-mates were partaking in the Conquest of Kaller when Order 66 was initiated, and as Wrecker, Hunter, Tech, and Echo remained unaffected (Crosshair was affected but had some level of resistance to the order), they watched with much confusion as their clone brothers turned on the Jedi.

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